
Pedagogical Subjects Offered in our college


B.Ed., Syllabus for I Year & II Year : TamilNadu Teachers Education University Revised Syllabus

Sports and Games

There is a Physical Director works in full time basis . Student teachers have the chance to participate in the games and events in intercollegiate competitions regularly.

Socially Useful Productive Work Programmes (SUPW)

The Art and Craft instructor prepares the socially useful productive work programmes for the students.


Subject clubs are organised by the teacher educator to enrich the knowledge and development of skills for the student teachers.

Talent Programmes

Opportunities are provided for the student teachers to enrich their hidden talents throughout the period of the course.

Seminar and workshop

In addition to regular academic programmes,seminars and workshops are also conducted. For this purpose we are inviting the experts from different fields of study.

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